No problem! Here you can download the Descent Shareware content as well as the Descent 2 Interactive Demo content files as well. But if you are new to the experience, you might want to try before buying. Descentand Descent 2 are also a part of their huge catalogue. Buying there will also give you access to special content and extras provided by GOG and their games work flawlessly with DXX-Rebirth! Shareware/Demo Contentĭescent 1 and 2 are awesome games. If you do not have a copy, yet, then you might want to check out GOG! GOG offers many PC-games as cheap and completely DRM-free downloads. Each individual package will explain in detail how to set it up properly.
If you have an original copy of the game(s) (full version, OEM, Shareware, whatever), you can use it with DXX-Rebirth – no problem. The game content consists of the game missions, textures, models, sound and music – in short: everything that you can see or hear inside the game.
To play Descent and Descent 2 over DXX-Rebirth you still need the content of the original games, since it was not released together with the Sourcecode.